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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  October 31, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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he cursed him out, ran up on him three times and had to be restrained by his teammates and he said he wasn't trying to bully. all right. congratulations are in order for the baltimore orioles with three players winning golden gloves. congratulations. >> fox 5 morning news continues right now. halloween, we keep forgetting it's halloween. there has been so much activity over the last couple of days. oh, by the way, it is halloween. what a carey sight as they continue to clean up and wait for the power to get back on too. >> good morning. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. welcome to fox 5 morning news. some important notes to pass along for you right now. the federal government will reopen today. employees still have the option for unscheduled leave or telework. most schools are reopened today
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but there are some delays. can you find all that information scrolling on the bottom of the screen. >> now, the power outages. utility companies are making head way. at this hour, dominion virginia has just under 21,000 people still in the dark. bge is now under 30,000 in anne arundel, howard, prince george's counties. pepco promised to have the power restored to 90% of its customers by this morning. >> they're moving along pretty where well there. >> great. >> other people still in the dark but we'll get there. >> yes. >> tucker, you have a lot of issues with power outages and trees. >> i mean certain neighborhoods, we just are more prone to it. my neighborhood, every time, as i said before. if my friends across the street, their children have a birthday party, blow the candles, the lights go out in
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the neighborhood. >> you have a lot of company. >> i do. things are going to get better. things are winding down here owe the crews that are out working should not encounter any issues weatherwise. got some rain showers south and west of the city. get out towards front royal and down towards culpeper, a couple of light sprinkles and showers. that is the worst of it this morning. still a lot of clouds to start your day. i think by the noon hour and by the afternoon, we'll start to see a little sun working in from time to time. so believe it or not, kind of -- was that your chair? >> yes, my chair keeps squeaking. >> i thought that was like a ghoulish d. >> you never heard that before? >> temperatures right now, 43 in washington. 40 out at dulles. 41 at bwi marshall. i thought it was like a cat or something. >> you are easily distracted. >> trick or treat weather, temperatures will be falling back into the 40s after 5:00
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p.m. so it will be cool for the ghosts and goblins and again, we should be dry so that is good news. >> sorry for the sound effects coming from our direction. i apologize. let's check in with julie wright. >> i'm anxious to hear what kind of sounds are going to pop up now. we're listening closely. on the roads, again, we are still dealing with standing water. it blocks route 4. a portion of route 2 that remains blocked off due to flooding. shreve mill road still shut down at 267. this is due to standing water. do not make an attempt to travel through that. instead, remember the theory if you will, the song, don't drown, turn around. we also have portions of georgetown pike that are still tied up with tree debris. coming out of leesburg, not so bad along route 7 but we do
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have a portion of flooding that is causing some problems. whites ferry we are told not in service today west of whites ferry road west of 28 is where we have a large tree down. westbound on 50, approaching the beltway, stay to the right to get by there. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. superstorm sandy leaves a path of destruction across the northeast. up in new york, there is unprecedented damage to the transportation system. some buses are running for free but it will take days to get the subway fully restored. a massive fire in a flooded section of queens destroyed over 80 homes. but amazingly, there were no deaths. and the stock market is finally set to open using backup generators this morning. later on today, president obama will meet with governor chris christie to tour parts of new jersey. airports in the new york area are beginning to resume some nights but look at this. this is la guardia airport under water. a bird's eye view there you can
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see shows flooded runways. new york, of course, the main transfer hub for international flights and millions of passengers around the world are stranded. sandy may have come and gone now but her impact will be felt for months. >> new fears of more flooding as another high tide is expected along the potomac river in just a few hours. melanie alnwick is live there now with an update on these flooding concerns. >> good morning. a coastal flood warning remains in effect until 2:00 p.m. friday so that means even more flooding could come, not just here to old town alexandria but to areas all along the tidal area. so we are talking about washington, d.c., georgetown waterfront and even prince george's county as well. so here in alexandria, this is something they've been through many, many times. they are used to flooding here. yesterday, let's take a look at some of the pictures when the water did start to come up after hurricane sandy came through. most of the bottom part of union and king street was
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submerged in water. businesses, however, were well prepared. they got sandbags from the ity government. they've been through this many, many times. and once the worst of the storm was over, lots of people came out also to just sort of take a look and take some pictures and see what had been left over from hurricane sandy. but yes, as we have been talking about, with that coastal flood warning still coming, high tide still coming, all that water from other parts north making its way down here, they really cannot rest easy just yet. >> there are expectations it was coming up to 10 feet. it is measured by the pillar over there. there is foot increments. >> reporter: you heard one resident talking about the
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pillar. it is right back behind me here. 10feet, that would be maybe about chest high or so to me. that would bring more of the impact further up king street. most of the businesses are prepared. they've got the sandbags in. a lot of them also have some plastic sheeting there. they do what they can. if it is really bad, it won't keep all of the water out but it does keep a little bit of the water out. city officials say that city of alexandria government is open for business today. they will seen have some voting going on as well as all the city services. trash pickup will go on today as they brace for the high tide at 10:08 and another high tide expected to be even higher tomorrow. >> thank you. it is one of the many devastating images from superstorm sandy. raging flames in a neighborhood in queens. if just kind of like a
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blowtorch was taken to it. >> it looks really bad. straight ahead, we'll get an update on that situation as we check more headlines. teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware.
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and this is maryland. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending
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all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine.
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. new this morning, clean-up is now under way in new york after this massive fire in queens yesterday. that fire destroyed at least 80 homes in the breezy point section. city's rockwith a peninsula. sandy certainly did not make it easier for the 200 firefighters called to the scene. crews out for chest-high water and had to use boats to rescue 20 people trapped inside. it looks like a war zone there. with less than a week until election day, governor mitt romney returns to the campaign trail with stops in florida today. >> yesterday, he campaigned in ohio and collected relief supplies no hurricane victims. he picked up the endorsement of former chrysler ceo lee iaccoca. president obama said the storm is not over as he toured the northwest yesterday. he is going to get a look at the damage with nog governor chris christie. our maryland senate debate
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that was originally scheduled for 9:00 this morning has been canceled. -- with new jersey governor chris christie. letitia baldridge died. she was the first female executive at tiffany's and worked at embassies in roman paris. she later made her mark as annette cet expert and served as an advisor five other first ladies. -- and etiquette expert and served as an advisor to five other first ladies. >> we are checking weather and traffic. we'll be back.
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a group of kayakers took full advantage of the extreme high tide in maryland. our sky fox helicopter spotted them on accept canada creek near darnestown. the creek is usually calm but yesterday, it was swollen and the waters were rough. -- on seneca creek near darnestown. some dramatic photographs capturing the strength of sandy. a wide swath of the eastern
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enates now struggling with epic flooding and extensive power outages. the death toll has climbed to 55. sandy crashed ashore with hurricane-force winds on monday. -- it swamped parts of new york city's subway system and also manhattan's wall street financial district. estimates of the damage run into the tens of billions. some of the photographs that are just -- i mean one after another, just amazing when you see just how much strength is behind the storm as it came in. >> it was biggest in its size, not its strength. katrina was a stronger hurricane. a lot of them have been stronger storms but not as big. either way, very destructive. we are not selling sandy short at this hour. >> yeah, let's not do this. >> very respectful. good news is conditions are getting better around here. we'll be looking at -- it won't be a bright sunny day but maybe
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a peek or two of sunshine. we are getting the rain and wind out of here so things will calm down. kids want to go trick or treating later. it will be cool but it shouldn't be raining. >> i think my first graphic is halloween. >> this is all good news considering the last couple of days. >> yeah, this is fantastic. i want to encourage you nobody to come to my neighborhood because we don't have power because that would be pretty scary for the kids. >> i'm a sure they won't be there. >> ghostly clouds, a creepy chill, upper 40s. we should be dry in time for the trick or treaters. during the afternoon, you might catch a little sunshine but with temperatures in the 50s but we'll be falling back into the 40s here by 6:00, 7:00 tonight. a couple of showers left over. this particular radar, this is falling from the sky. not sure all of this is touching the ground. we do have a few showers out to
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the west at this hour. might be a the light drizzle just to the west of the city as well. lots of clouds to start your day. it will be mostly cloudy way the bit of sunshinworking in. sandy is no longer with us. it is officially extra-tropical so no longer getting reports from the hurricane center about it. but you can see the massive storm that was sandy is still out there and still continues to spin. we're getting showers pushing up into southern new england at this hour and still dealing with the mountain snow out to the west where they've got just an incredible amount of snow. not usual to be seeing that kind of snow out there. this whole system is living off very generally to the north and to the north it is. so the bottom line for us, lots of clouds in the forecast today. could be a few showers, particularly early. i think we'll generally be dry today with a little sunshine working in this afternoon. temperatures are cool. did i mention they were cool? yeah. 43 in washington. 39 in gaithersburg. 43 in leonardtown. 43 in stevensville.
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it will be another cool day. our high temperatures will top out in the 50s. still, our average daytime high this time of year should be in the 60s. we'll be a good five, eight degree below normal. 55 today. winds south and west five to 10. that a lot lighter than yesterday. mostly cloudy skies. still cool for this time of year but we should be dry here for halloween. there is your accu-weather seven-day forecast. thend thend-- the weekend looks nice and dry with temperatures in the 50s. if you have to do things like chop up a tree np your front yard, should be nice weather to do that. >> are you offering to help? >> want you to come over and help me. >> only if you have trick or treat candy. >> i'm coming for candy corn and kit kats. >> i can hook you one that. >> all right. on the roads, very busy. we a lot happening early this morning as you make your way out and about. accident beingtivity is what is tying up your commute westbound
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on 50 before you reach the capital beltway. it is the left lane that is closed off in maryland. storm damage continues to block a portion of 175 between route 3 and gambrell. you want to avoid this area. up in ashton, it is 108 that remains shut down between meek hollow road and new hampshire avenue. this is due to storm damage, trees down and a lot of clean- up that needs to be done. flooding causing problems for our friends coming out of charles county and la plata. and then 20 # much like yesterday afternoon, that remain under water as well. 202 shut down in each direction at the marlboro pike. other side of town, justify as busy. we have shreve mill road that remains blocked off. the flooding continues at 267 near the dulles toll road. we all have a portion of old georgetown pike -- or the georgetown pike shut down in each direction and that is due to trees and wires down as well. we are dealing with flooding
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conditions again between 50 and 704 harmony church road. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. the sewage treatment system that serves the vast majority of homes in howard county is now back in operation. but here is the thing. tens of millions of gallons of raw sewage discharged before electricity was restored to the plant. >> reporter: officials in howard county call this complex their water reclamation plant because after sewage is treated, the water clean enough to discharge into the little patuxent river. it takes an immense amount of electricity to run this sewage facility so it is supplied by two different electrical feeder lines, one undergrowrpd and another that comes across the river. during the storm on monday, the underground line failed about 8:00 in the evening and the above ground line was knocked down by falling trees around 10:40 p.m.
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the plant does have a large back-up generator but it is designed to keep things going for only 15 to 30 minutes. for about 12 hours, raw sewage was dumped at the rate of approximately 2 million gallons an hour. bge workers arrived here around dawn. >> i made it clear to the president of bge two days ago that this was our number one priority, made it clear again this morning. unfortunately, crews were not dispatched to assess the situation until this morning about 6:30. >> reporter: because of the complicated nature of sewage treatment, it will take days to fully restore the process here. >> we're moving hydraulically all the product through the plant. getting the plant to perform at 100% will take about four or five days because it's biological process that is pretty upset right now. >> so that could mean some of the stuff that is going into the river is still untreated? >> it's treated to probably 95%
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of the standard. we will probably even make permit. >> reporter: because of the volume of rain tumed in, county officials believe the 25 million-gallon sewage discharge is not a health hazard. they do recommend against wading in the river for the next few days. a bge spokesman towed us it was trees coming down that killed both feeder lines. turns out the underground feeder line has some sort of aerial component and it was a tree down there that cut the electricity. because of the gusty overnight winds, he said, the utility could not put bucket crews here. they cooperate put the buckets in the air and they waited until dawn when they could safely repair the lines. the county executive here is not satisfied with that explanation. he wants an after an action report with the intent of minimizing the chance of this ever happening again. in howard county, john henrehan, fox 5 news. x 5 news.
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>> a mess there. people in need of help following superstorm sandy. >> up next, the relief efforts already under way and can you help chip in. stay with us. with us. we'll have information when we come back. anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrue. a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland from losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post.
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vote for question seven. it's just common sense.
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we had a good group of people. good group of employees out there. this was a booming place. and mitt romney and bain capital turned it in to a junk yard. i was suddenly, 60 years old. i had no health care. mainly i was thinking about my family. how am i going to take care of my family. he promised us the same things he's promising the united states. and he'll give you the same thing he gave us. nothing. anncr: priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. now that the storm has past, it is time to clean up andery build. >> all of that takes time, material and money. fox's james rosen looks at the
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relief efforts. >> going to be a very large response covering multiple states. >> the biggest thing i'm concerned about is the power outages. >> it's not home but it's been made pretty comfortable for us here. >> the national guard and the red cross here have been super. >> reporter: james and kimberly joined by their dogs were among the 650 delaware residents who took refuge monday night in seven shelters the american red cross operates across the first state. this, the delmarva station, a special needs facility offering not only a lively kennel but emotional counselors, nurses, medical technician and a full- time physician who treated refugees from hurricane sandy suffering from diabetes, lung disease, even traumatic brain injury. >> many of the people in the she want forth last couple of days would never have been be a to stay here had we not been here. >> reporter: on sunday's first night, 250 shelters spread across 15 states welcomed
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11,000 displaced persons. they served 25,000 meals and snacks. the storm has caused the cancellation of 300 red cross blood drives in 14 states producing a shortfall. >> this was was an enormous storm and it has required an enormous effort on the red cross to answer the needs and wave done that. but we now rely on the american public to help us continue to do that. -- we've done that. >> the simplest way to do that is a financial contribution. you can text one word red cross to 90999. that will dlfer a $10 donation. or you can call 1-800-red cross or visit the agency's web site at red -- that will deliver a $10 donation. up next, a dangerous scene involving in downed power wires on fire. >> we'll show that you video coming up next.
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we'll have an update. >> the storm may have moved on but its effects like this are going to be felt for some time. i'm jennifer davis in new jersey. the latest on sandy's devastation coming up. teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware.
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and this is maryland. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine. taking a live look outside. a good, chilly day. i don't know if that is good,
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but it is nice and chilly. kind of feels like halloween. we have new video of sandy's aftermath to show you. this just got back to our newsroom. these are downed wires on fire in northwest tease. this was in the 4500 block of macomb street. the wires caught some leaves and trees on fire. power has now been cut off and the flames are out. some important notes to pass along the the federal government will reopen today. employees sill strt option for unscheduled leave or tell -- still have the option for up scheduled leave or telework. utility companies making head way on those widespread power outages. at this hour, dominion virginia has just over 20,000 people still in the dark. bge has under 29,000 in anne arundel, howard, montgomery, prince george's counties. pepco is down to about 1500. metro is back up and running. the entire metro system is expected to he are assume normal operations this morning
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including metro access service. metro is warning some bus routes could still be affected by flooding and blocked roads so allow some extra time for your trip. amtrak is also back up and running but will have limit service today. there are modified northeast regional services south from newark, new jersey. that includes routes to and from virginia. there is still no access to new york city and no acela express for the length of the northeast corridor. let's talk airports now. likely most airlines will resume operations today. passengers are still encouraged to check their flight status before leaving for the airport. all right. let's check in with tucker now. >> things getting better. we'll be looking at a better day than the last couple, of course, but it will still be cloudy out there. at least we'll get the showers and wind generally winding down. still a few leftover showers this morning. >> okay. just a few. we can handle that.
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>> this is a big day. >> it is halloween. are you ready? >> you don't have a costume on? >> no. in fact, we'll have more in ask tony and tucker. we were going to do a whole thing. >> we'll see what you have planned. >> well, i'm telling you right now, we have nothing planned. >> we'll talk about what could have been. >> thank you. >> that is not going to go over that well. >> don't set it up like we got some big surprise. >> 43 in washington. 37 in chicago. so plenty of cool air out there this morning. and again, we've got the flow out of the west bringing us the chilly air. it will be chilly later today. our highs only in the 50s. couple of leftover showers west of the city. much of this is not touching the ground. there might be a little bit of drizzle or i few light showers to start your day. eventually, we'll lose all the rain showers. not sure we're going to lose the clouds today. it will be mostly cloudy for
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much of the day. things are gradually improving. forecast highs, we'll go 55 in washington. hopefully, that not too optimistic. 51 in annapolis. 40s to the north and west. it will be on the cool side with the cloud coverage today. headed in the right direction. i think tomorrow, we'll see plenty of sun. >> we can use it. it has been too many days without it. hello, sun. >> here is our very own sunshine of the roads, julie wright. >> i don't know if you'll feel the same after you hear what i've got to say. >> okay. >> not only are we dealing with storm damage and flooding, this is the outer loop of the beltway shut down just before 650 new hampshire avenue. no one getting by on the outer loop. delays are forming back near i- 95. we'll have live pictures from sky fox in our next report. no one able to get by now. if you exit on it the beltway from university boulevard, you are well past that accident scene. crash here westbound 50 before the capital beltway. head up coming in out of bowie. left side of the roadway is blocked. we are dealing with the storm
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damage that continues to block 175 between maryland 3 and gambrell. gamb that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. ffic. recovery efforts are still under way through much of the northeast. >> president obama will get an up-close look at the damage in garden state. general tier davis is live in new jersey for us. >> reporter: good morning to you. governor christie got emotional as he traveled around his state yesterday and saw the damage. this is the ron why. this is a tiny little coastal town on the southern end of new jersey on the delaware bay. at least 12 to 15 homes just on this road have been affected and some terribly so. you can see debris that is strewn over here. we have homes that were swept off their foundation. one home that the entire back side was blown open. this is the kind of damage the president will see when he comes later today to get a
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firsthand look at what sandy left behind. >> i told the mayors and the governors, if they're getting no for an answer somewhere in the federal government, they can call me personally at the white house. >> reporter: the president making a promise to help state and local leader in storm- battered areas get the help they need. new jersey is one of several states dealt a severe blow by the storm. in hoboken, roughly half the town of 50,000 people remain flooded. powerful wind gusts all to blame for toppling a roller coaster in seaside heights. >> the pier with the rides where i took my kids this august before the republican convention, we got in that famous yelling match with the guy and the ice cream crone cone, those rides are in the atlantic ocean. >> i don't think it is any secret but sandy hit us very hard. it was a storm of historic intensity. >> reporter: the city's subway
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system and area airports inundated with water. >> neighborhoods in a bit of a state of chaos right now. >> reporter: back here live, you are seeing one of the houses swept off its foundation literally at an angle here like it's children's toy that got plucked up and dropped down. certainly, it will take a while to rebuild in places like this. that said, there are some small signs of progress in new york and new jersey. there is some limited ferry and bus service beginning today. schools and most government offices will remain closed. i'm jennifer davis. fox news. back to you guys. >> jennifer, i know the president's focus will be the welfare of everybody there, effect that has been dealing with the storm. but secondly, people are also looking at how this will impact the election come next week. how are people going to be able to vote. is this going to be an issue? >> you have to wonder about that. there is no way not to when you come through communities like this and think where would a
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polling place be? i think there are a lot of people that don't know the answer to that yet. we do know that the candidates, the president has canceled his campaign events today as well for a third day in a row ome he mitt romney will be holding an event today. it will be one that does talk about storm relief and and how to help the people who were damaged by the storm. no question this has certainly thrown everything off for the election. but i think there is a lot they don't even know even though wear less than a week away. >> we'll see what happens in the coming days. jennifer davis, thank you so much. >> thank you.  stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪
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the death toll continues to climb in the meningitis outbreak. 2 people have now died from the fungal strain believed to be cause the by steroid injects for back pain. the number of cases is now up to 363 in 19 states. 20 in maryland with one dead. 44 in virginia with two dead. there are still no cases in the district. this type of meningitis is not cop teenageious. it can only come from the medication used in the steroids. the organizers of the new york marathon say superstorm sandy will not affect this sunday's race. the marathon route goes through all five of new york city's boroughs but it mostly avoids areas at risk for flooding.
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the biggest worry is getting runners their numbers and getting them to staten island. we're checking weather coming up next. new information about school closure this is morning. we'll pass it along. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. 
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we've been reporting most school tricycles are opening again thank you but there are several individual schools that will remain closed today because they have no power. >> let's get you updated on those. in fairfax county, the following schools will remain closed were they are langley high school, holmes middle school, sleepy hollow elementary school and spring hillent meantery. >> in d.c., jefferson academy will remain closed today and in prince george's county, they are waiting until 6:00 a.m. to make a decision about excel academy. >> i know those may be kind of difficult to read on the screen but we do have those scrolling at the bottom of the screen as well so can you double-check those throughout the morning. >> good morning. >> kids want to go to school today because there are like parties and stuff. >> for halloween. >> all the candy. >> especially since it has been a damper over the last couple of days. hopefully, they can get back into it. >> good news is weather is improving. most of the area should be just fine for trick or treating tonight at least weather-wise
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as our temperatures will be on the cool side. we should be done with the rain and the winds will be on the lighter side as well. here is your radar. some light showers off to the west this morning. still not quite done with the remnants of sandy. we still have a couple of light showers off to the south and west. biggest or heaviest shower this morning has been just to the south and west of the city down towards cull ander. you can see a few more showers up towards winchester kind of working their way down and maybe a light sprinkle or a couple of light showers here in the city as well. all right. what is left of sandy continues to just meander here up into northwest pennsylvania and pushing into new york at this hour and you can see we've still got plenty of flow out there associated with what is left. you can see that big circulation. so we're in the middle of it. here is the good news. lots of clouds to start your day. i think we will work a little bit of sunshine. we are starting to get some clearing here south and west, a little bit of sunshine into the
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forecast later today. and some slightly warmer temperatures. still going to be on the cool side with highs in the 50s. at least we won't be dealing with temperatures in the low 40s like yesterday. it is cool right now. 43 in washington. 43 in leonardtown. martinsburg, 39 degrees. here is a look at your futurecast. i want to show you -- i'm sorry. i want to show that you off to the west we still have the snow flying out there. futurecast showing a big dip in the jet stream. a little sunshine working in later today. most of the precip should stay west of the mountains. the trend is getting better and better here as we get into the afternoon. next couple of days, temperatures will remain on the cool side. temperature will be cool but we
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should be nice an dry. that is a look at weather. let's do some traffic and get the latest from julie wright. >> good morning to you, mr. giggles. >> sorry. >> something funny was happening behind the scenes here. >> isn't it always? >> all right. we are starting off on a sour note this morning. the crew in sky fox, welcome back. hopefully you're warm up there. we do have problems to report outer loop of the beltway just before new hampshire avenue. that is where we had the accident activity with only the left leap getting by. that has been some improvement. the roadway was shut down but now single file to the left will get you by. delays on the outer loop approaching that rigs road overpass beginning back here i- 95 college park headed westbound around 495. let's take it inside. we'll map out other problems for you at this time. the accident we had before the beltway has cleared. 175 at gambrell, shut down. still have our hands full for our friends traveling out of southern maryland if you will
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coming out of la plata and charles county. flooding continues to block 227 between marshal corner road and livingston road. also, a portion there of 202 at the marlboro pike remains blocked off as well. whites ferry west of 28, still citywide up because of of a large tree down. whites ferry out of service right now. southbound 270 look good coming out of germantown to the split. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> all right. now, tucker has me laughing. opening tipoff the new season for the washington wizards, they're on the road last night. >> dave ross is here with our sports breakfast coming up. 
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it's my coffee when i want it. you press a button, you have great dunkin' coffee. i got my coffee for the morning, i got my dunkin' k-cup packs for the rest of the day. only available at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee. what mitt romney's tv ads say ababout women? or what mitt romney himself says? mitt romney: do i believe the supreme court... should overturn roe v. wade? yes. and it would be my preference that they, that they... reverse roe v. wade. hopefully reverse roe v. wade. overturn roe v. wade. planned parenthood, we're going to get rid of that. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. anncr: no matter what mitt romney's ads say. we know what he'll do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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 i'm drinkin' a dunkin' latte. i'm in love with my dunkin' latte. it is a treat. they're packed with flavor. it's my kind of latte.
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try the simply delicious latte everyone can enjoy. america runs on dunkin'! you know things are starting to get back to normal when dave ross is here to talk sports. >> i didn't get to see a whole lot of sports because i'm he still without power. i heard that our wizards had their season opener. i would have watched if i could have watched. john wall had to watch. bradley beal, you like this
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kid? the rookie from florida. not bad for his debut. the cavaliers take the 16-0 lead and here comes dion waders from sir cruise. the wizards go on a 16-0 run and then take the lead here. the woirtdz have a fourth quarter lead but in the end, it wouldn't last. here comes tristan thompson with the jam. -- the wizards have a fourth quarter lead but in the end, it wouldn't last. not a bad showing though. >> 81 more chances. >> miami heat, miami hosting boston. that is ray allen. remember him? >> i remember him. >> he used to play for boston. now plays for the miami heat. he knocked down a three there. that is our guy jeff green getting blocked. here come the kings. >> boom! >> down the lane. it is what the king does.
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lebron, he had 26. heat all over the celtics. deangelo hall, we'll be talking about this. it all goes down when he takes the helmet off. 15-yard penalty. gets into it a little bit here. mckenzie doesn't like. this follows the ref. here it comes. we've seen it. >> still following the ref. >> now, we hear d hal's explanation of. >> nobody is going out there trying to bully the referees and likewise. they haven't be out there trying to bully us. from that particular camera angle, you can't see what that ref is saying to me. if you could go back and change things, you woman nothing i can do to take that particular play back or what happened after that back. all we can do from my point of view and from the referee's point of view and the nfl is try to figure out a solution so that problem doesn't happen again. >> interesting words from deangelo hall. i like again that he is candid
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about the situation. the league will have much more to say about this. they will take a look at that incident and figure out if there should be any further action taken against d hall. nothing has happened yet. the redskins have been mum on this situation. i'll say this about him. he doesn't hide. >> until the receiver starts running. >> he doesn't hide off the field. a fair point. it is who he is. he speaks his mind. and sometimes it does get him in trouble. that certainly -- months choice words for the official might have gotten him in some trouble. we'll find out what the league says about this. >> he is so mad, he won't even talk. >> won't even touch it. >> i know. >> we'll talk about it more later on this morning. >> he has some choice words we have to leave out. >> don't want to get wisdom in trouble. >> we still have plenty ahead. let's say hello to our facebook fan of the day. greg says he begins and end
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each day with fox 5. he said since he put together a great costume, he should win the honor on halloween. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. right bac
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